"its the fucking czech republic!" i said, trying to alter my teammates more intelligent answers on the question of which country borders austria, slovakia and a half dozen more european states-it turned out they were right, it was hungary the whole time. Its quiz night at murphy's and we had assembled a team of pop culture obssessed freaks, only to be bombarded with categories that we frustratingly come up with our best pretentious guesses.
Our team was named "thats what she said"...which judging by the name, smells of imminent failure. It seems like we were the only ones in the room who got in the joke.-for you non-office fans out there, its a reference from the main characters favorite punchline. If used in actual conversation from last night-it would go:
marcus: medyo malabnaw yan soup na yan
miguel: mas sanay ako sa mas malapot
everyone: thats what she said!
Our team consists of a cast of characters full of swagger but hasnt yet fully realized its potential on tapping it stocked knowledge of little known facts.
emil - who claims that he can answer a set of jeopardy questions every night, but wasnt really effective in a game where the answer wasnt in a form of a question
miguel - who at the beginning of the game, told everyone that it only takes me and him to win it all--we only got to correctly answer not more than 10 questions, most of which are answers that are pulled out of thin air
spyder - who was our best bet in the science and literature category but instead gave us the most unusual correct answers at the other sets.
rocky - who gets coming up with the correct guesses but later on second guesses himself in the end.
yen - who came up with that brilliant answer to the russian ballerina who died just recently, it was wide off the mark
marcus - who answered something a trekkie would only know, regretably there was only one star trek question
champ - who came in already wasted and then eventually drunk when he got in during the middle of the game, was staring into space-and doesnt really know what was going on.
There were around 8 teams who gets to show off their smarts by correctly answering 10 questions each for 10 categories, which includes among others general knowledge, literature and arts, entertainment history, geography, sports and trivia...during the first half of the game, we had scored not more than 5 points for each one.. and we had garnered a total of 21 measly points compared to our next competitor who had more than doubled our pathetic tally
In a stroke of pure genius, we chose entertainment as our joker category(we get double points)--and we were the only ones who got a perfect 10/10 in that category or at any category for that matter. We were gaining some steam- and we declared that the comeback was on..the comeback of saving a little pride and not being the bottom of the barrel- we were not just about ready to get humbled on our first participation in this quiz night.
We were consistently getting borderline decent scores in trivia, sports and animal categories-our last minute brilliant guess to the question "to whom did bette midler refer to when she said...A woman who pulled herself up by her bra straps" seems to be that single point that took us from bottom place to second worst in the competition...it was enough to maintan our swagger in next weeks game and still be convinced that we'll eventually come on top
...thats what she said!
5 years ago
i think i would do good in that game, all i do the whole day is watch nat geo and discovery.. especially animals, im good with animals
thats what she said! hahahahaha
you guys suck big time, put me in the team and we'll go places!
next time:
1. I will revisit my periodic table to answer a question as trivial as Sr = Strontium, not Serellium! That's like Beryllium with an S!
2. Not only to memorize the elements but a little biochemistry because Sulfur is not enough, it's Hydrogen Sulfide
3. Answer questions on my category but you should give me credit for Rober Louis Stevenson, author of Jekyll and Hyde, that falls under Literature
4. Go with your gut feeling. The G in G-string stands for Groin and not Gluteus, hate you Rocky! Respect the girls' answers when it comes to lady's garments =)
5. To never, ever underestimate the underdog. Vengeance is a bitch
Good job on the entertainment category, clock!
t'was fun =)
sounds like tremendous fun, wish i could join your team! too bad im so far away
can you kick it?...yes we can!
"to whom did bette midler refer to when she said...A woman who pulled herself up by her bra straps"
i would have a made a killing in that game!..yes i can kick it!
"Go with your gut feeling. The G in G-string stands for Groin and not Gluteus, hate you Rocky! Respect the girls' answers when it comes to lady's garments =)"
WAIT WAIT WAIT! For the record, i did not HEAR you suggest "Groin", and i would have, in fact, gone with that as well!! :D
Last night was a blast. Sa uulitin!
The only answer i really got other than what country uses the currency 'Shekel' happened like this:
"what part of an insect..."
Miguel writes "thorax".
"...includes the wings and legs."
Emil: thorax bro, thorax!
Rocky: Thorax! thorax!
Somebody sees the answer already written.
"Oh nice you got it already! whoa!"
I told you i was psychic ;)
you forgot:
jardine - who just quit smoking and avoiding all things that is associated with smoking...still went out despite all the temptations to light a cig...i figured you
... had a hard time the whole night
thats what she said! hahahaha
i guess coming second to last wasn't so bad, considering we came from behind...
That's what she said!
If i were on your team... i would have sucked as well
thats what she said!!!
cut me some slack for mixing up baryshnikov with nureyev...
at least i got EL GRECO and MARIA CALLAS right :-D
til next time. it was fun!!
njards, why arent there new post for today?!? you ruined everything, now i'm stuck surfing for porn! :)
the body is weak...
that's what she said
- still won't sleep w u
was that me talking? or was it my subconscious?
how did it escalate from going out with you to sleeping with you? drats! now i have to find another nickname.
- blue skies smiling on me
hey, its the sleeping game!
quick, countries that start with C!
< secret handshake >
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