the pimple invasion has begun..i first suspected that the cause of this is due to the added stress and increased irritation due to quitting smoking...but then i noticed that the extent of coverage is only visible on the right side of my face. I can imagine myself getting paid for an ad where they show a face split right in the middle with the effects of using brand x on the left side and brand y on the right side --obviously, brand x is the winner-go buy it now.
The acumulated dirt and other unwanted particles from the makati smog resulting to this disaster could be it --i refuse to accept that the time, effort and disposable income i have used to wash, clean, exfoliate, moisturized, sunblocked, anti-aged, eye-creamed, clay masked and cold masked my mug(and that doesnt include the weekly derma treatments) is all for naught . Friends who have seen the sheer selection of chemicals in the bathroom counter declare that its narcissism at its finest or that i need psychological help.
It also couldnt be from my pillowcases where i sleep with my whole face pressed smacked right into it nor it could be from the amount of ubitiquous bite sized chocolates courtesy of balikbayans from my side and spyders which i have been binging for the past few weeks--both of these instances should have rendered the whole face with random spots of atrocity.
I was talking to a friend over my cellfone and mentioned the facts i had presented above and with her powers of dedeuctive reasoning came up with the simplest conclusion. "Are you hearing my pretty voice over your right ear with your whole fone touching your face?"..."You are a genius" i uttered. simply amazed by the simple logic of it all
I am still on the fence whether or not i should get one of those bluetooth headsets that i simply loathe...there is nothing more annoying and self indulgent, than seeing someone with the stupid device on their ear while talking like they are the hi-tech shit. But in reality, the accessory reeks of a fashion disaster of epic proportions.-- but so are unwanted spots covering only one side of your visage.
5 years ago
i saw that bathroom of yours and i really do think you need some help! hahahaha
....and if i ever see you with the bluetooth thing on, i will never talk to you again :)
good luck to you and the pimples on the right side of your face
funny blog all around btw
the thought of you in a split faced ad is just way too funny! but the things you put on your face is way more hysterical wahaha
body and beats I stain my sheets I dont even know why...
..thats what she said! hahahaha, sorry i cant help myself
fucking blister in the sun lss...whats all these videos and their corresponding titles at the beginning of all your posts this month ...what's wrong with you!! :)
All i could say- That's called KARMA. for teasing me bec. of those zits.
probably the side of your face gets all sweaty touching your iphone's screen hahaha
Since your phone causes you pimples lets trade, mine is smaller it wont even reach your face, just fit for your ear.
i have a pretty good idea who that girl with the pretty voice is ;)
i think you are goin' thru some hormonal change...comes with your age. don't sweat about it. my suggestion - don't moisturize. just wash and use astringent/toner :) hope this helps
dude it has nothing to do with ur mobile phone or your pillow.
i will send you a great herbal tea that will cure that after 1-2 weeks. Its all in the body system.
p.s. arent you too OLD to get pimples? lol
jards, dont listen to these people..just wash your face every 5minutes and you will be fine and eat a lot of vegetables
dont forget to wash those veggies every 5 miutes as well
eat a lot of bananas
ever seen a monkey w pimples?
haha old joke!
well judging by the number of beauty regimen for your skin you do sound narcissist to me. that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E! my advise? don't get married. you'll be happy forever. you and yourself.
- blue skies smiling on me
you are just in love! cmon tell us!, who is this lucky(or unlucky) girl :)
the only person jardine is in love with is himself and his collection of beauty products :)
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