I was about to get some much needed slumber when i was enticed to share one last cigarette with someone on the other room, a little youtube action wouldnt hurt and we came upon this amazing radiohead cover of "ceremony". Took us 3 more playbacks before we decided to sleep it off--last song syndrome nonwithstanding.
My baby sister will be arriving from san francisco today and we all cant wait to see her- we all miss her to death! She is one of most sweetest, funniest and whimsical individuals u can ever meet and has amassed a vast knowledge of interesting pop culture references in her disposal, She is also the one among us kids who wasnt sucked into the folks master plan for her and instead got to do what she was really passionate about, despite the odds stacked against her. Years of being harrassed in culinary school, working on odd jobs with long hours for various michelin restaurants and suffering thru several cuts and bruises on her hands-she finally gets to stuff us again with home-made gourmet and gout inducing cuisine these next few weeks--you still owe us young one
The siblings are all meeeting at salcedo park for lunch--Its that saturday "organic" market that where item being sold is way overpriced and is packed with people that all smell like barbecue smoke. One of my friends had quipped "its that one special spot in makati, where you'd accidentaly see the person you'd most likely been trying to avoid all your life and be forced into small talk on what he/she has bought"...i ...can't ...wait
5 years ago
nice description on the salcedo market...the part on the meeting people u don't want to see is remarkably true! Hehe. Say hi to your sister for me. Have a great weekend jardine :)
good morning gout boy! how was the market?? did you buy quiche? onga pala u dont like it... buti na lang cause that lady's a hustler. ang mahal grabe, dinaan ako sa kwento...
< secret handshake >
i'll break it down...no mercy show...heaven knows its got to be this tiimmee! avenues all lined with trees...picture me and u start wallkiingg
now i have lss! damn u clock
I love salcedo market and all its sosiness hehe
aling inengs barbeque is the shiznit...love the radiohead cover btw!
you are making me hungry!-tammy
watching love grow
watching love grow
Hindi ko na naabutan yung Salcedo Market. Sounds interesting :)
radiohead is close to a musical genius we'll ever get to see. i love the post jards
damn! all chicks posting comments in your blog.tsk tsk!
salcedo market= overpriced items in exchange for sosyness. bahumbug.
i'm not an early riser but i can do salcedo market once in a while.
the cake guy in scrubs is my thing there. what was he trying to do selling cakes in scrubs? is he trying to prove that he is highly sanitized so we can trust his cake? isn't he in the wrong field? he wore the wrong uniform! for the nth time! it should be the white chef's uniform! now go home and change!
-still won't sleep w u
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