Tonight was the quiz night at murphys, we had one week to accumulate an unwavering determination that we had to improve our pathethic 2nd to the last finish. The team didnt dissapoint
...we finished fucking 2nd place!!!
and the thing was-we almost had it, but as a team that comprises of 2 film majors, 3 lawyers, a chef and a gambling consultant-all in our late 20's-early 30's, was certainly no match against the winning team, which from our acute assessment was a bunch of 50 to 60 year old guys who have been joining that event ever since it inception.
It was so close, at one point-we were almost dead even, but eventually lost to 7 points in the end--stupid US election category, by the time the quizmaster was giving out questions relating to the 50's US political landscape (jfk succeeded what president this, vice president of nixon that)...we knew that you have to be at least breathing during that era to get the questions correct...and the eventual winners were probably already participating in balagtasans and zarsuellas in their local plazas when the events occured.
the turning point of the night was during the early rounds, wherein the question "what animal kills it victims by spraying a poison in its prey's eyes" came out during the animal category. "Its the spitting cobra!", miguel answered with half conviction and half silliness. We were laughing at his almost too good to be true bullshit response, but eventually we put it because we cannot come up with any good guesses anyways. the fucker turns out to have the correct answer all along,...we earnestly believe that we were the only ones who got it right, judging by the sighs and moans of frustrations from the other teams.
So, we won a bottle of cheap red wine for all out trouble, and we all decided to keep the bottle in the establishment so that we could all drink it for our attempt to finally win it all at the next quiz night. Last week was absoultely pathetic, but tonight was a revalation that we could actually beat this game--we figured it was easy to get in and not impossible to rise up...
thats what she said!
5 years ago
jardine, i would've gotten spitting cobra right! i told you to put me in your team! hahaha
good job to you and to your team-mates, nice comeback!
can't stop laughing about the post, this is way too funny, and excellent choice on the video, karen o is my lover! :) mwah!
they dont love you like i love you!
2nd to the last to 2nd place! wow, guess you guys are getting the hang of it, win it next week..believe!
u should have gotten a pol sci major! put me in the team
wow a spitting cobra!
...thats what she said!
p.s. most excellent post jards! this really made me laugh, especially the zarsuella part
thats probably why you are getting zits, you think too much!
wait, jards failed to mention that there were only two teams who played this time around. hehe!
- blue skies smiling on me
regrets, regrets...
or maybe it's me not being there that made the team 2nd.
i did my review, i'll reserve that for next week. at least i'll get to drink the wine instead of those friggin shooters...freeloader=)
blue skies smiling could be right hahaha. Now it makes so much sense- ivy
we should have scored higher on the "animals" category had they listened to my answer to question number 7:
Dodo Bird.
After i said Spitting Cobra, one of out team members laughed out loud and said "You should say it out loud so the others will hear it and maybe write it down!" to which i replied "but it's the correct answer." haha!
Spitting cobras are awesome! that's what she... nahh it's getting old already.
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