Its day 2 of the nicotine free campaign on myself...and i must say that holding up pretty well-all things considered. First thing i did yesterday morning was to unconsciously grab my lighter and head out to the other room for a smoke, only to realize that i wasnt suppose to anymore--good thing i gave away all my cigarettes to our security guards the night before. I decided to chew on some gum instead.
I was a mess at the workplace that morning, every little bittle of annoyance was magnified to something epic. For instance, when i heard one of my employees singing to the tagalog version of rihanna's umbrella which goes something like " eh ilalim ng aking payong"- i told her in the most sarcastic tone ever produced, "wow, you should quit your job and be one of those singers who join every singing contest at their barangay". She laughed then later on got upset when she finally realized i was being an asshole.
So before i relegated myself to being the cliched cranky boss i decided to gett off much earlier than usual and went to see a movie all by my lonesome--which i always find a more satisying experience than the usual two person and more viewing norm. Before the movie started, i noticed that the couplea few seats away from me kept starting at me and mumbling some jibberish-probably thinking its wierd that im watching a movie by myself. I grabbed my fone and called a friend "hey, do you find it creepy and rude when strangers stare at you inside a moviehouse, some people really lack the proper breeding". Im sure that they heard what i said because right that instance, they finally stopped their shenanigans.
I havent done any considerable damage so far today, i think ill be fine
5 years ago
you are holding on pretty well.
watching movies alone is the most normal thing, it's the people around us who are not normal.
lookin forward to the quiz bee tonight. 'That's what she said!!!'
I think we should all wear pink...
another bastardization of a song, good thing it was i dont really care
congrats jards, a couple more days and you will be in a much better state of i smoke :)
guess it was that bad, you didnt even blog yesterday. how is your cat holding up now that she didnt get to smell the cigarette smoke?
can't stop....
i heard the song. it was pretty good----NOT. :P
goodluck to your no smoking campaign.
how can you not like belle and sebastian marquita? you are probably used to listening to fabricated top 40 pop original for a change :) peace
btw, i also enjoy watching movies by myself...nothing wrong about that
2 days withoout smoking also means 2 days without sex for you...i dont think you'll last long :)
^^are you trying to imply that good old jardine can only have sex if he smokes? LOL.
btw, watching a movie alone is gay.
hi, ive been lurking on your blog for days now and i think your stories are amazingly funny(and the videos are awesome as well)..keep up the good work
lurking?!!! now that's creepy!
i'd say there is nothing wrong with watching movies with yourself as company...same goes with sex.
- still won't go out w/ you
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