I've been having the most vivid dreams the past few weeks, this was probably due to the lack of nicotine in my brain therefore clearing some space for all my unconsioucious frustrations and guilty pleasures. I had acheieved that pathetic state of looking forward to sleeping every night knowing that i'll experience what seems to be a hallugenic drug overdose of your choice.
Last week, i dreamt of being in a late 80's tagalog comedy flick. Im not sure which one, they all seem to follow the same formula. Poor guy courts rich girl..rich girl is also being courted by rich evil guy..rich girl gets charmed by the poor guy due to the fact he does a "harana" in the tune of either richard marx or michael learns to rock...evil guy gets pissed and proceeds to kidnap the girl. poor guy saves rich girl and beats up poor guy and his goons with his punches complete with delayed sound effects...and then the always entertaining beach scene
So my role in that particular scene was that of one of the backup dancers during the part where the actors suddenly break out into a song and dance number. I was wearing your typical cycling shorts with neon orange stripes on the side and was sporting a mullet for some reason. We were dancing to a rick astley track- i recalled this because roderick paulate was part of the cast in my dream and you cant dance to "together forver" without roderick paulate singing front and center. I was also approached by rita avilla at what point and told me he just broke off with jestoni, and then asked me if i can teach her the"roger rabbit dance move".
It was right after that part of the movie where one of the lead actors friends approaches what seems to be a pretty girl in a bright bathing suit with her back facing the camera, only for the former to find out that she is zorayda sanchez...that i woke up with the blaring ringing of my fone, i answered saying "let me sleep for 10 more minutes, im about to get lucky with rita avilla"
5 years ago
its about freaking time you wrote again! but its so f*cking worth it! this is no holds barred clockworkchico style..i cant stop rotfl! the thought of you in neon biking shorts is scary and cringy at the same time hahahahahaha
love the post!
i always knew you had a thing for rita avilla! :)
hahaha..speaking of which, isnt rick astley going to have a concert in manila soon? i bet your watching! dnt forget to wear your baggy pants and vest
what have u been doing anything? you havent updated for shit! :)
i have always wondered why they always place the kidnapees on the same ruined place, you know what im talking about! very unstrategic if you ask me
jardine... you definitely watch too many tagalog movies!
LOL this is so super funny. I recalled so many dreams i had influenced by tv shows as well. Like Desperate Housewives. I don't even watch it a lo. Yet i dream about a very sexy gardener who speaks spanish, weird huh/
btw thanks for what you wrote in my blog..i dont have ym, i have msn..but i can add you from there..looking orward to talk to you..:)
why is that, its all chicks who comment on your page? who are you anyways...you better be cute hahaha
but hey, you write well...i've been enjoying your prior posts, and could'nt stop laughing
-not a guy as well :)
"why is that, its all chicks who comment on your page? who are you anyways...you better be cute hahaha"
-hmmm... is he cute? hahaha maybe.. maybe.. :P
Your dream is just too much. but i think it suits you.hahah wearing that kind of outfit. especially with a nerdy look on your face.
jardine and his wierdest fantasies hahaha, what else is new :)
i love your posts...
but what i love more about your posts are the comments!
- blue skies smiling on me
jardine is cute! but he could be so silly sometimes...and whatever wild thoughts you girls have in your head, he is still mine!..is'nt that right jards?...jards? are you there!? answer me damn it! :)
i bet you're lovin' it you narcissist you
Wow! This entry evokes memories of PPP! "Piling Piling Pelikula!"
I know why you had this dream. Dahil magco-concert daw dito sa Pinas si Rick Astley 'no?! Na-imbibe sa subconscious mo...
rita avila is gay. - your lesbian friend
i love the video so much that i play it all the time! nice post! hilarious!
keep it up!
...waiting for more blogs
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