Fuck it...despite feeling like complete shit today, i decided to push thru with the night out with the yoga rockstar..the battleplan was to pick her up from the studio and go straight to this bar of her friend in pasig...6ish is what i replied when she messaged me on what time ill be there..i arrived at 650, its the range limit where an -ish with an hour is still acceptable
The rockstar looked great as always, and mentioned how she is all dressed up so nicely, she argued otherwise...i sarcastically uttered "any blouse with sequence on it is considered as dressing nicely in my book"
Got to the bar, met her friends, and ordered a bottle of wine which i swore that i wouldnt finish-but i still drank every drop nevertheless....first thing i did when i saw the menu was to earmark all the greasy food on the appetizer side and went into the process of systemetically ordering each one based on its heart attack level. our conversations went from from work to politics to 80s techno music and into of all things-our favorite porn stars...unfortunately my favorite was the same namesake of my date for that night.
Sleepyeyes was there as well..he was outside when i approached him, i asked how life was treating him and who's he dating now. It was my cleverly sheepish attempt to bait him in mentioning that we know someone in common and how he broke the poor heart of that same girl. he tried to justify the shit out of his ass, but i know better...
At around midnight, the rockstar and his friend asked me to ditch the bar with them and do some smokes at this guys place, i declined-telling them ive been done with that shit for years now. She said "but arent u going to boracay with us next month, dont tell me ur not going to smoke there".."but thats boracay, all bets are off when we get there" i declared. Besides, i need to get home and be early for this stupid meeting tom anyways.
I'm now nicotine heavy and still wondering if i shouldve got high instead--maybe that wouldve help me loosen up and stop thinking of the shitty day ive been thru...well there's always the blog to rant and wait for my thoughts to go numb...any minute now .
5 years ago
who the hell says no to smokes?!? wats wrong with u!...guess jardine is all grown up now :)
i lurvs train in vain, but who is this yoga rockstar girl? i cant keep up with all your chicks! damn it!
stop smoking
stop drinking
stop having late nights
...im beginning to sound like your mother hehe
Now I got a job
But it dont pay
I need new clothes
I need somewhere to stay
But without all these things I can do
But without your love I wont make it through
greetings from thailand
im starting to become a big fan of this blog :) i have been really enjoying your past entries and looking forward to your future posts! stay safe
Ooohh... 'yoga rockstar' eh?! She sounds so... flexible. ;)
Picked up the cancer stick habit again, huh? And with a vengeance, it seems! :P
Sorry for flaking yet again on your party, Jards. There was this boy, you see... and the rest was history. Will make it up to you, I swear.
I'm seriously thinking of scratching off checking out your daily blog entry on my everyday to-do list. Reading about other girls makes me so jealous! :D
But we both know I'm a big fan of the clockwork's writing and can't keep away :)
Hope you get well soon, read you later! :)
se·quin (sē'kwĭn) - a small shining disk or spangle used for ornamentation, as on women's clothing and accessories or on theatrical costumes. From Fr. sequin, from It. zecchino, from zecca "a mint," from Ar. sikkah "a minting die." Meaning "ornamental disc or spangle" is first recorded 1882, from resemblance to a gold coin.
I *heart* you, Jardine!
just smoke it.
hmmm...quite amusing to read someone's take on a night i just had as well. so great to hear that you don't regret being sucked into the nosebleed community i love so dearly. too bad you had to leave earlier, my friend. maybe we'll do it again next week? love love...
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