10:30pm...this is hopefully going to be my last cigarette in this lifetime...in a few minutes, i will undergo the dreadful process of nicotine withdrawal...this is the 4th time i have attempted to quit since that innocent stick more than 10 years ago so i am fully aware that the next few weeks will be the most toughest and most grueling-i also have grown accustomed on the subtleties of the routine of bettering my chances not to get puffing again
so these next few weeks, there will be:
1. no coffee, because there is nothing more perfect in the world than combining caffeine and nicotine
2. no late night partying - late night plus interesting conversation plus alcohol divide by your temptation for a cancer stick equals lethal recipe for disaster
3. no mingling with people who smoke- they will only try to tell you that you're crazy for quitting plus they will just add insult to injury by puffing their second hand smoke on your face
4. no hanging out at specific spots at your home and workplace where u smoke - ok, that means everwhere, scratch that
5. no watching of movies and tv shows where the characters are chain smoking - no "mad men", "californication" and every scorsese and french movie in existence
6, no poker - there is nothing more frustrating than getting a bad beat by a donkey, and we all know where frustration leads to
7. no drama - self explanatory
8. no sex- also self explanatory
i am now preparing for the worst--short fused tempers, sleepless nights and emo-induced behaviors..with a bit of luck, ill be back to my old cigarette hating self. god help us all :)
5 years ago
...and no sex. hahaha
hang out with me more
i don't smoke :)
and ghea's right---- no sex
good luck clockwork, u can do ittttt!!! wait let me smoke while i click this "publish your comment" button :)
No coffee?!
No interesting conversations?!
No partying???
aaand No %@*?!
....... hahaha! damn! all i can say is -- GOODLUCK WITH THAT! lol
ill be the first to say it...you are crazy for quitting!
sleater-kinney is right! you're no rock and roll fun!, seriously jards-u will be fine...good luck
I never knew you ever smoked... cigarettes that is hehe. I'm going to wish you goodluck and may the force be with you.
have MORE sex so that you'll be too tired to smoke... eh? hehe
Good luck! Looks like a lot of hard work, but you can do anything (make that almost anything) you put your mind to. Blogging can be your therapy!
wow....sounds great. congrats for taking care of yourself. and remember, recovery is a continuous thing....so be proud that you are trying again. and continue to try again and try again until u get it right :)
jardine! dont listen to the haters. i believe in you as much as i believe in unicorns. mwah! and promise me you wont quit on sex hahaha
coffee and cigarettes tastes mighty good right now...
rocky's gotta know about this!!!
quit next month! oh its too late
coffee + good conversation = sex
smoke after sex = round #2
No sex?
you'll be back to smoking tomorrow if that's the case.
damn! no sex! too bad, now i wouldn't wanna go out on a date with you! ;p
don't you have anything better to do than to write lists of things you know you will never even get near to accomplishing?!!!!!!!! tsk tsk tsk i'm beginning to find this blog purely a work of fiction...
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