my thumb is already on defcom alert 4, the pain threshold on which you can barely make it functional. The cause of this injury?..too much playing space invaders extreme for the nintendo ds-its a remake of the old videogame classic you used to play on your atari-that of the "always worn out joystick and the adaptors electrical shock that never fails to get you when you plug the it at the end of your tv" fame-but now its more extreme... if they had put the letter Z in the end of the title like extremeZ, then it could have warned me earlier of its painful implications...just like the 90's pinoy guilty pleasure band of choice- the introvoyZ and people who say "yeZ" instead of yes- that underrated consonant warns you of the risk of experiencing too much of it has the potential of causing permanent injury.
The turtle asked me while waiting for our ride during our always extended lunch breaks, if i ever clean my bellybutton. I said of course i do, but not daily and not with a passion--i always had this fear of cotton budding that chasm until it unravels the innards of my belly and subsequently i would bleed to death..surpisingly, she had the same silly apprehensions. The whole conversation of bellybutton maintenance lasted for around 20 minutes-i told her of this fascinating technique of saving precious time in the morning...what you do is get 3 cotton buds and place it between your fingers, you then proceed to use each one for both of your ears and the topic in question-its multitasking in its finest- the old way of getting one cotton bud at at a time is so dated. She thought it was so crazy that it must work. The first thing i did when i got to my office is to google "death by cleaning of bellybutton", fortunately... there were no known cases of this fictional phemonenon. I should write to mythbusters and tell them i went ahead and busted it.
I had my cat spade last week, so i had to leave her at the vet for 3 days. When i finally came to get her, the poor thing was drowsingly lying down and looked liked she had undergone her own version of kitty hell- i was bearing with guilt the past few days while she was undergoing the operation and dreamt of the cat calling PETA to air her grievances and telling them that they file a criminal case against me(in the same dream i was found guilty and punished by eating her cat food). The moment i grabbed keizer-she looked at me then meowed as an appeal to pity..she then proceeded to stare at her veterinarian and started making cat noises on her, as if to convince me that i should have the vet spade as well. Keizer is fine now, judging by the way she is back to her usual shenanigans of tearing up toilet papers, destroying every shoelace and clawing her way to my shoulder ever chance she gets. I am now considering to change her name to keizerZ.
5 years ago
which reminds me, you still owe me a new pair of blue chucks size 9. one shoelace was eaten by keyzer so i now have to hide the seemingly excess shoelace of the 'normal' shoe.
luvz it!
mizz yah
i guezz your pad is back on chaos mode again. buy keyzer new toyz.
why are u hating on jHonathan and the always cool for school introvoyZ? If i ever have a line to heaven i swear, ill call u there!
hahahaha, jards! you are the funniest ever and you do have the wierdest dreams.
wait wait wait, you mean the bellybutton death is a myth? oh well, so much for that.
Byz for nowz!- carla
love the post
love the video
and i miss keizer
i think that whole after image vs introvoyz argument on who's better is over... nobody won! (actually it was the intrvoyz, a lead singer named jhonatan is always a winner in my book)
and jardine, if keizer had her way, she would have u spade as well...u need it more than her! i should know hahahaha
i am also currently playing space invader extreme! that fucker is so addicting i swear..i have yet to get the thumb injury though, challenge?!?
what the hell is wrong with you clock? it took you 3 days to write again!
really hilarious post, your belly button is a star! hahaha. How's your smoking ban? hope you didnt relapse, seems like you've been partying the past days
i met u at the party last party....i think you are cute hihi
-girl in the green sneakers
anoba jards why are all these chicks writing in your comments box? are they flirting with you? don't they know you are mine? swits anoba! babes im inis na!
o ayan are you happy that i commented, i remembered na my password! haha.
wow. i'm lovin' it. the green sneakers. space invader. introvoyz. death by the bellybutton (which our ex-maid almost did. it bled of too much poking. or did someone else poke the wrong hole?) most esp. keizerzzzzzz. don't want to get spayed tho.
-blue skies smiling on me
I used to clean my belly button with such passion that when I was young, my yaya scared the hell out me by telling me about the 'death by cleaning' theory. I'm now 30, I still clean my pusod with the same passion, and I'm still alive.......
Where the heck did you get that name BTW?
black mamba are you referring to me? or to jards?
- blue skies smiling on me
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