Just came home from a night that comes in 2 parts
Part 1
So the surprise party of our friend andy, came into fruition a couple of hours ago..you couldnt call it a surprise anymore--she already had an inkling that the thing was gonna take place to begin with...i had to go all the trouble by passing thru the back door. It wasnt an easy feat, thanks to carol's always cryptic instructions, i frustratingly got lost inside the building. Good thing that the food was amazing and 8 bottles of wine ready to be served is always a sight to behold.
When andy finally opened the door, everybody screams "SURPRISE" except me.. now, ive always shouted "SUPPLIES!!!" in every party that involves an attempt to make the person act in a way that she actually gets suprised--always thought it was more approriate for some reason.
There was this old lady who cornered me, pestering me why i broke off with carol and is giving me those relationship lessons that you always read on some discounted self help book. I nodded the whole time she talked, while trying to eavesdrop on che and lars conversation about sexual positions and how the dogstyle is only done if u dont respect your partner. I'm trying to find an excuse to stop being the only audience from the old lady's life coaching lecture and snuck in the more interesting conversation so i can fight the good fight on better sexual aesthetics--i dont think she'd want to join us in this.
After my failure at videoke and a few glasses of wine-i decided to make my way home and get some more metal gear action going. Then miguel called to tell me to hang out at the B.R.A. (bright red apartment) with them.
Part 2
So miguel, lee, lexie, pokerdude and trisha were all hanging out in the living room with 2 ashtray full of cigarette butts and a dozen of empty beer bottles--yet everyone is still in a talkative mood. I put in my ipod and played "a tribe called quest"--why dont they make rap music like this anymore.
Marcus texted me to check faye hosting on tv...she was hosting some text game show-its those shows where they show some silly game and ask people to text their answers and win money, this paricular segment-faye showed two pictures of lions and tells you to spot the difference between the two (the other lion was missing an eyebrow-call PETA!). Faye looked amazing, she has now long straight hair as opposed to the curly mane she used to have(lexie still claims that those are extensions) and she looks much healthier- running around hungary can do wonders i guess.
So i stirred up the conversation by telling them that i saw this documentary telling us that Mother Teresa is a fraud..pokerguy agrees and tells us that in her memoirs, she mentions that she was losing her faith--on her last days, when she saw people suffering, the old lady didnt see anything but emptiness. There was also the case for her "house of the dying" place, where she didnt put any money in it despite getting millions of donations(both from legit donors and crimainals/dictators)-she apparently invested most of the money into her own nun order. The house of the dying is still the same as it was 20 years ago--rows of worn out beds placed side by side in a cramped torn down building with people slowly dying, one filthy bathroom for everyone and no doctors present in the area-they werent allowed to be there to begin with. I felt that the vatican and mother theresa must have some symbiotic relationship. Its good PR for everyone
More into blasphemy talk, i just found out that the vatican had just recently issued a statement saying the "limbo" doesnt exist. So i guess all those poor dead babies are going to heaven after all-but how about all those parents who lost their infants from the past centuries where christianity was still such a big deal--they lived all their life in such despair knowing that their unbaptized kids were in some awfully hellish place--i know it was such a terrible vacation for all eternity to be in, from all the paintings our religion teachers forced us to stare at it. You know what im talking about--the one with the hill of fire with screaming people and the devil with his ubitiquous pitchfork showing us that he's the shit.
Miguel also told me about the other vatican press release saying that if ever we find out that there being from other planet, that they are still part of gods creation. Now, why would the church issue such statement--they must already made contact. Suck that NASA. Religion still kicks the shit out of science.
I left about the time we were all discussing that woody allen's masterwork is still "Bananas", that the clash is still timeless and that the biggest evidence that humans are polygamous in nature is that we're 98% chimpanzee dna and that the rationale why we have the guilty tendency of having only one partner has to do with of all things-posture.
I'm in my own dwelling now, yogurt in hand and still upset about the whole limbo thing. at least, im scratching that off on my destination list when im long gone. Now i only have hell to worry about :)
5 years ago
hi jards, i absolutely love this post!, its the way you write about these sort of things that doesnt sound pretentious at all that make me come back to your blog everyday :)
Its good to know that in not the only mother theresa basher in the planet. you should read mother theresa-the final verdict, they made very convincing arguments, based on fact, on why she isnt the person/symbol of all goodness/saint/ we all think she is.
You and your friends are right. the clash do rule. rock the casbah!
-nikki from c
It's hard to put people on a pedestal. We are all human beings with our foibles. Mother Teresa did a lot of good but she isn't perfect and that's ok.
Ay, mali. Sorry, I was trying something but it didn't work. Ulit...
Shortly after beginning her work in the slums of Calcutta, she wrote “Where is my faith? Even deep down there is nothing but emptiness and darkness. If there be a God — please forgive me.”
In letters eight years later she was still expressing “such deep longing for God”, adding that she felt “repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal”.
Her smile to the world from her familiar weather-beaten face was a “mask” or a “cloak”, she said. “What do I labour for? If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, You also are not true.”
But her most powerful words - “I am told God lives in me — and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul,” she wrote at one point. “I want God with all the power of my soul — and yet between us there is terrible separation.” On another occasion she wrote: “I feel just that terrible pain of loss, of God not wanting me, of God not being God, of God not really existing.”
Like the Agent said in The Matrix...
"Only Human."
Bob said - "It's hard to put people on a pedestal. We are all human beings with our foibles. Mother Teresa did a lot of good but she isn't perfect and that's ok."
1. It's hard to put me on a pedestal (I'm quite heavy -muscle bound heavy mind you- ;))
2. I'm a human being with my foibles.
3. I've done a lot of good, but i ain't perfect either.
I can be a Saint! W00t.
well.....thats why as the bible states, one does not go to heaven on works. what can you possibly do to up what jesus did for you? ano yan? when were in heaven with fellow peeps.."oy pare..what did you do?...ah really? how much moeny did you bring in that charity? ako 10 m eh..." its not about whos the pinaka mabait, its about those who understand the true doctrine of being saved, faith. so many catholics just dont get it. but some do. nice topic jardine.
people!..religion is never a good topic to debate with, lets talk about sexual positions instead! :)
Oh man. The never ending white noise of religious discussion.
bzzz...true doctrine...bzzz...
yeah, sexual positions! I concur.
where are the kookie posts?!?!?!
religion sux, sex positions i like.
reverse cowgirl is my fav nowadays :)
looks like this blog is on its way to being the same popularity as it was during the blurty years, speaking of which...where are all the rest of the original commentors?, you guys better show up soon...looks like its going to be a wild ride once more! can't wait...good luck jardine, we'll be here waiting :)
-the blogger formerly known as patrice :) hope u remember!
of course... you'll always have... don't worry i'm not a meteor that cld kill you! hahaha...
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