I was thinking of having a productive day--after staying at home the whole day yesterday, watching downloaded episodes of penn and teller's bullshit, a couple of hours playing videogames and catching up on back issues of time magazine, i needed to get out. The plan was lunch with the spider at katre--that unpretentious little fusion mediterranian restaurant off at timog, which serves the best foie gras over pasta in the city and then some retail therapy in the afternoon.
Unfortunately, it didnt stop raining from last night, and i figured that the traffic will be terrible. I am not spending an hour going to the north for lunch, the trip is just reeking of potential frustation. I am yet undecided what to do, I am in that current mode of planning my day while in bed, getting restless about it and then wasting valuable minutes staring into space. The gloomy weather can do that to the best of us.
So, ive decided.
1. I'll finally start reading stargirl-that book the turtle highly recommended, it looks awfully light and whimsical--lets all just hope, that the chick lit nature of it doesnt scare me
2. Clean my ref, which someone has placed bottles of san might light in the freezer, forgot about it causing the bottles explode thus the stench of alcohol is evident all over the kitchen. my cat doesnt seem to mind it--she had spent more time there than in the bathroom where she has this habit of tearing up all the toilet paper.
3. Infuriate myself playing more metal gear on my ps3. I have already surrendered myself into not finishing the game--how can you call this a videogame when more than 50% of the time i have invested in it--consists of cutscenes that are more confusing than a wong kai wai movie. Someone told me that the ending was awesome, so im giving it another shot
4. In between those, ill watch a couple of episodes of "secret diary of a call girl", "swingtown" and "weeds". As well as mindless flipping thru the channels, hoping to catch those quirky taiwanese infomercials with hilarious dubbing and the badly scripted and acted testimonials.
Lets see if i can accompplish those tasks for the day...now only if i can stop staring mindlessly into space.
stargirl is not chick lit!!!
For someone who has shitloads of money, your weekend was painfully boring. Is it always that way? And don't blame the weather.
Jesus *hearts* you.
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