i dont fucking need this...
i was about to leave the house and go to this quasi-surpise party for a person who was in turn was going to get her own surprise soon--its confusing i know...it took me several minutes and several cross references and questions with people involved before i can get the logic of it all...then my sister called
the sister: oh my god, everyones pissed at u, why the hell are u making style with (insert name) she just talked to her ex fiance and showed ur chat archive
..it took me a while, to digest what she just said and recalled if i did anything wrong--wait, what the fuck?
i admit it, i was chatting with her casually for less than a week and told her that i never really got to know her and that i think that we should hang out with other people when she gets back and i think we'd get along as friends. I asked che, who was conveniently with me when this call happened, and showed her the same version of the chat archive. She said, dude--thats the way u talk to all of your friends, even to me--and you know for a fact na i wont make patol to you because im a lesbian!
I really wanted to let it go and forget the shitstorm that happened, but i just couldnt. I still cant believe that there are still some people are just so fucking unbelievablly full of themselves. Now some would argue that its alright to be with her because she broke off with their relationship anyway, but thats not the fucking point. In all sincerity, there is no reason for me to pursue something that i would know would cause more problems than its worth, im the last person who would stoop to that level of dirt. Ive been nothing but nice to this person and she fucking used me to watever fucking evil intentions that she may have.
So i vented at the party--explained to them the situation and told them how fucking pissed i was. It is just a fucking shame that my conversations with her were being misinterpreted, construed and then made into a platter of self absorbing and ego building bullshit. My sister texted me the whole time, assuring me that everything was ok now and she explained to the rest about my side of the story, and that girl was nothing but trouble to everyone. True that!
Im pretty sure ur going to read this, u know who u are! I just wana say that was so fucking uncool of you, i dont really care who u have on your side-but this is between you and me, u dont turn other people against me, especially people who are fucking blood related to me (what the hell were u thinking about suprising them when you come back--just comes to show that you are up to no good). A decent person would confront me and ask what my intentions are before any given meaning--scratch that.. a decent person wouldnt spin our casual and trivial conversations into flirting, who the fuck do you think you are.
And to you ex fiance, i know we've never been close even if we hanged out a couple of time with friends who also happen to be my friends. I dont know if you know this, but you and i shared the same dissapointing experience with someone we loved and the last thing on my mind is to pummel someone in the ground even more, ive been in that situation and i know what it feels. Our common friends can vouche for me--i have always been sincere, honest and loyal to people (and unfortunately to strangers). I am not forcing you to change your mind on things-u deal with your own dilemmas but you guys just leave me out of this.
So i got home early, hoping i would just sleep thru it..besides, its just another blip on a very unruly week. But i decided to write about it instead--another sounding board thats more calm and less stressful than the suprise party fiasco.
5 years ago
yeah, you talk to everyone that way, which gets you into trouble because people have diverse interpretations of what you show (I should know, braderr. LOL)
that's also pretty much dependent on someone's security level.
lesson learned, be careful -- the world is screamin ulterior motives, while some people are just plain disillusional.
talk about your self-absorbed life! yay!
The only thing you're guilty of is being your normal, manchild self. The amazing thing about you is you're toodamn trusting. You left Keyser in my care, knowing fully well that I show warmth to kittens by bathing them in kerosene and dropping a lighted match on them, watch them hug as they turn to fertlizer. Your trust issue is that you trust way too much.
I think only thirdgraders care to count the number of times they say fuck.
Wag ganyan, magagalit si Papa Jesus.
Don't let her get to you. Dealing with someone who has insecurities is tricky!
Whaaaaaat?!? Who is this chick? Doesn't she know that you're MINE, all MINE? Kainis siya ha! You better ban her from playing Rockband at your apartment!
Jardine-san, you don't need this extra drama in your life. Breathe in, breathe out, find your balance and be zen because that's hot.
you're being used as a pawn in the game of love......mwahahahahahahahaha!
when will this girl realize you're a lesbian trapped in a man's body? so therefore, since she isn't a lesbian...you aren't into her..that makes you into me...
wait that didn't make sense.
- che
bwahahahaha!! ok lang yan dude!! Never say die!!!!! inggit lang sila sayo!
your wrong pia, jardine is MINE!
seriously, i havent met you nor chatted with you but i've been a lurker on your blog even before when you had that blurty thing going on *stalker* :)
and as far as your writing goes, u seem genuinely friendly and sincere, you cant blame other people misinterpreting your actions, especially those who are insecure and delusional. Well, i hope your less angsty now, looking forward to more of your posts
-nikki from cincinatti :)
it's funny how people can suprise us with their silly dramas. that girl prolly is still on the verge of learning the flawless move. ha ha ha. try harder so it won't put you to shame the next time you fire it away.
Jardine says what he wants but not what you want. LOL. Go figure.
**Ghie :D
There are two sides to every story. Her version, backed up by that chat archive drew reactions from
her camp, and Jardine's verbal version drew reactions from his end. Funny thing is, this is all from
a very unreliable form of communication. In chatting, one can always mistake another's intention,
because one does not hear the other's tone of voice, does not see the other's body language and face,
it is hard to make a conclusion. There are so many ways to say "ey lets go out and hang with other people". But here is
where im sure the girl's camp drew conclusions. Looking at Jardine's blog and FB account tells us, as
he says,"I've been called pretentious, narcissistic, obnoxious, self absorbed and superficial..
guess thats better than being called hector". And the other post here says Jardine gets in trouble
because of the things he says. In his blog, Jardine is a self adnmitted drug user, now clean
(good for you Jardine). So I can imagine the girl's camp reacting this way afer reading the chat archive and
and knowing him as he is. BUT STILL...they should not have jumped to conclusions...or at the very least the ex fiance should have been cool about it...
If she may have been troubled, her going to her ex fiance, because of common friends as i can imagine
is but natural. I can imagine its the ex fiance who got fired up. And hes got his own little world
where he has his own set of friends that he showed that archive to, where they drew conclusions as
well. Eh ganoon talaga, not everybody will act the same way to you Jardine, and the ex-fiance and
camp reacted that way for a reason. The whole issue i guess is pretty sensitive. The guy is hurting
and for him to read something like that can really be disturbing. In the first place, no matter how casual,
and no matter how friendly, in my humble opinion, you should never have asked her to "hang out" "with other people"
at this time. As i understand from what i have read, you are in close proximity to the ex's camp
and bottom line is, it doesnt look good, no matter how noble your intentions are...
I enjoy stumbling into rants and raves. It shows the vulnerable sides of people. Ika nga nila,
"ang mapikon talo". It would have been much cooler if you did not come out with a bigger fan,
and more shit....it would have been much cooler if you just called up the girl or ex fiance and said
in a cool tone "sorry but im not intrested, nor will i ever be" youre the guy eh, it would have shown
more class and breeding, and you would have had the last laugh.
Lesson here? Stay cool. don't ask people you are not close to hang out via chatrooms (it will always be interpreted a million ways,
and sorry nalang if its not how you intended it to be).
and to the girl and ex fiance et al..relax.:) mahirap magturo...the ex finace should not have flared up...
like i said talo ang pikon, mas talo pa pag pinatulan mo yung napikon....
peace..God Bless to all....:)
In his blog, Jardine is a self adnmitted drug user, now clean --> HA?? drug user ka dati??
Sorry dude. Ayoko na maging friend ka. This is the end.
- che
wow, this is getting intense :) i suggest we don't comment on this issue anymore, looks like everybody moved on anyway. Jardine, why dont you write something new, been looking forward every morning on your interesting posts and so far you havent updated!
- your secret lurker :)
oo nga tama na to...babaw eh..write about something else Jardine..good vibes tayo!
Wait wait! I don't want the drama to end yet!
I will make some more.
Hmm... first I am glad that Che doesn't want to be friends with Jards. That's one less woman to worry about. I am assuming Che is a girl...
I'M GONNA MAKE YOU SABUNOT! Grrrr he's mine! Don't you know about our love growing like a monggo seed in a paper cup with tissue paper? You won't take him away from me! Bruha!
(jk lang ha)
wait..wait...i was kidding about not being friends with jardine anymore. ano ba....
and i am half female and half male. so jards is still not safe from me. rarrrr....you hunk of a man.
- che
If i knew jardine was a drug user then i shouldnt have dated him! you sneaky bastard, so thats why you were always laughing whenever we go out!, classic signs of abuse hehehe :) looks like you're doing fine, your stupid rants nonwithstanding.
Ive always wondered what happened to you, and suprise surprise, i caught you here by accident. I missed you! i'll see if your email here works.
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