42 unread emails...half of them claiming they know me only to find out that they're selling cheaper viagra...someone stole my pen again...a printed worksheet on the weekends delivery report...someone messed up the formulas for the nth time...the difference of the no. of days between june 24 and june 29 is not -34556...3 unopened time magazines...the top news on my google reader says "kid get decapitated by rollercoaster while getting his hat"...i didnt know if i should smile, smirk or laugh...whats for lunch today?...oil is at 150 a barrel...better bring out the trucking rate increase request template...change date...change clients name...change percentage of diesel increase...change actual increase...maintain "we love you and we've been extremely loyal to u as business partner, but hell! we have a business to run and profit margins to maintain" tone...im in the wrong industry...joy division's ian curtis is the most underrated talent under the category "musical geniuses who stupidly comitted suicide in their peak"...my secretary is screaming at the phone again...received a demand letter from a citibank lawyer..i owe them 150 pesos for the 3 years worth of unpaid annual fees...told them a dozen times that i had the card cancelled since 2005...u cant help but feel sorry for the lawyer who signs these letters...my messenger has been using the photocopying machine since i got in an 3 hours ago...someone has to remind him that short doses of radiation is a killer...my expired yoghurt still tastes good...8 posts-it on my wall...one says "stop using post-its"
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
its about time for a poker post (and some colored fonts)
Emil confirmed last night at around 9pm that with Rocky playing, we had reached a quorum and the merville game was taking place.... Its been months since we all got together for some home poker action and despite the awfully loose game i displayed(and consequently a thousand pesos poorer), i still managed to be wildly entertained. While everyone else was playing the 33kbuyin at the cardroom, here we are arguing that a 20peso raise was too big for a 2-4 cash game.
I arrived there, bringing a box of the highest caloried donuts known to man..my intent was to make everyone have a sugar rush thus play aggressively loose while i only make my move when i have the best hand. Unfortunately, the donuts were virtually ignored by the quorum and I already had 2 of them while i was on the road...the plan backfired badly.
I was chasing every inside draw and calling with bottom pairs hoping i get trips on the turn on river, on a few occassions i hit them and it made me look like a genius, most of the time it just draws "huhs" and "what the..." from the rest of the table.
I have a strong connection to the merville game..this was the place where we originally came up with the the most comical banter for poker situations and the silliest aliases for our poker hands...here are a few of what we named our two cards and our own ridiculous justification why we named it as such:
5-6 suited is called audience impact because we deduced that of all the suited connectors you can get, this is the lowest you can call a raise with and getting a straight or a flush with this hand deserves at least an applause
Q5 is called star of the night because there was this one night that mitize kept playing this hand and without fail was getting trips against big pairs or getting a runner runner on ridiculous odds
J5 was baptized as the infamous johnny 5, and everytime you have it, u have to shout in your best short circuit impersonation "johnny five is allliivvveee". you can also add "more input ...stephanie" depending on the level of wastedness your currently in
10-3 is called charles bronson, we arrived in this because 10-2 is commonly recognized by every poker player as the doyle brunson... then obviouslly 10-3 is named after the star of death wish and its countless sequels
AA is Amy Austria
AK is Abe King
AJ is Ace Verjel
AQ is Beverly Verjel
A-10 is Al Tantay
Any suited club hand was called global warming ...as i logically explained with a series of simple predicates that is nothing short of genius. Clubs represent flowers, flowers are part of nature, nature is being destroyed because of pollution, pollution thus creates global warming. Therefore Clubs are global warming.
Adding to the confusion, we had a debate what is the strongest among the 4 suits...and the conversation went something like this:
Roe: so clubs are the strongest because its global warming?
Me: not necessarily, but it beats diamonds, because diamonds are part of the earth, and earth is being destroyed by global warming. thus clubs beats diamonds
Emil: but diamonds are forever, even in the event of global warming.
Me: your wrong, diamonds are forever, but hearts represents love and love conquers all
Roe: so let me get this right, the strongest suit is hearts, then clubs, then diamonds
Me: I think thats about right
Chito: where does spade fit in this
Me: Spade is the strongest of the suits
Roe: and why is that?
Me: because of the saying... a spade's a spade
(this was basically a cliffnotes version of the whole thing, the argument painfully went on for hours)
So, despite the low stakes, the almost non existence of poker etiquette and the consistent diversions from whats happening during a hand, where else can you speak and reference obscure pop culture anecdotes and everyone laughs hysterically every time. As one player famously asked the dealer to "roll vtr" to do the flop and screamed when he hit the nuts on the river "put him in a body bag!"
Friday, June 27, 2008
kookiness during the nba draft..just barely

I was by her living room by 30 minutes, and there she was, dressed up like she was going to a rock concert--torn jeans, vintage shirt and a purple scarf. You could tell that she was already utterly wasted judging by the open vodka in her coffee table and her droopy eyes. "Are you about to leave or did u just arrive from some event" I said. She slurred "I am neither here or there...I was about to go to my 15th year highschool reunion, then i decided otherwise, fuck them, who the fuck celebrates 15 years-its just another reason for them to brag about how pathetically happy they are..fuck it..nba draft..now..watch..fight".
" Are you sure you still want to watch, u seem really drunk". She stared at me and said "what part of fight didnt u understand". She didnt even notice that i pulled out my notepad and was preparing to jot down notes of anything peculiar or bizzare that comes out of her mouth (which happens always often). The poser rockstar is already in another universe.
tv host: blah blah team traded their 27th pick for blah blah team for cash
me: they never say how much cash they give out, how do you even compute that?
kookie: i dont understand what he just said
me: basically their giving up a player for money, it doesnt happen often, its usually a trade between two players
kookie: (laughs hysterically)
me: whats so funny
kookie: its like, you know in those movies where the kidnappers finally get to get their money in exhange for their kidnapee. These executives must be in some deserted road under a bridge and one says -im not giving up my pick unless i see the money!, and when other guy shows the bag with the cash in it, he instructs him to throw the money in the middle. Sorry, im so out of it
tv host: derrick rose is an excellent basketball player, he always draws out double penetrations
kookie(punches me in the arm): he said double penetration..hahahaha
me: are you even familiar of the draft process
kookie: yes sir
me: ok, who was 1st pick last year?
kookie: uhmmm, dwayne wade
me: it was greg oden
kookie: yeah thats right
me: ok first pick 2006?
kookie: lebron
me: wrong again, first pick 2005?
kookie: lebron
me: and at 2004?
koookie: lebron?
me: you're just going to say lebron the whole time arent you
kookie: i also said dwayne wade, i know my basketball dumbass
tv host: minnesota has the 3rd pick, so are they going small or going big
kookie(stands up and started cheering): go big! go big!
me: are u sure u know what ur doing
kookie: i have always said, when in doubt, size matters
-the italian basketball player who was just picked is being interviewed
kookie: he needs to speak better english
me: give him a break, im sure it was his first time in new york
kookie: i dated an italian once
me: and your point is?
kookie(stares at the bottle of beer in front of her)
me: im waiting for your answer
kookie: i forgot what u asked, or what we were discussing..is it something about size?
At this point of the draft, I was already convinced that i should leave and just let her enjoy the intoxicated state she is in. I got up and decided to raid her fridge first...she was already snoring when I asked her if i could borrow some milk for my cat, i nudged her head to pretend that she said yes. So i sneaked outside her apartment and left a post-it note on her forehead, it says
it apparently means "the revue is starting"
how can you not just smile after watching this..ok. maybe after cringing a little bit after flashbacking that you used to do the whole dance move of this song in euphoria back in highschool :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008

That bright blue book you see above has been sitting at the back of my car the past few weeks..the turtle bought me a copy and insisted that i should read it--she says reading it is one of the most heartfelt experiences she ever had. I had my doubts, a small book that’s as thick as a cigarette pack and a stickfigure drawing of a girl with a star on top of it as its cover(it doesnt have a title), screams of chicklit to me or even worse its disguising itself as one of those "sweet valley high" or "sweet dreams" pocketbooks that every girl in my highschool used to read.
I kept coming back to turtle's passionately demands that i should read it. So out of a whim i started reading the first 30 pages last sunday...blah blah highschool, blah blah stargirl..blah blah unconventional ukulele playing chick..blah...individuality..this girl and guy are going to fall in love arent they? oh shit, this is a romance story! dammit..so i stopped
I got home early yesterday and saw the book on the floor-my cat probably played with it like with most of my disregarded things. I picked it up, lied down in bed and..opened page 30 and couldnt put it down.
Fuck you Jerry Spinelli, why do you have to produce such a great poetic allegorical tale about popularity and sincere individuality in 200 pages with words that are simple yet full of imagery!. Why do you have to create such a beautiful character that has to deal with "conformity" and all the pros and cons that go with it. Your book is both liberating (to the individual) and incredibly sad (for society), as it takes a true "individual," committed to her allegiance to the world, and shows how the typical person will gladly shun the unique qualities of others -- perhaps in an self-gratifying effort to remain "normal"
I admit, you won me over stargirl, i was staring at my ceiling for a good 10 minutes after i read that last heartfelt chapter thinking if someone like u do really exists-someone who totally disregards all these social taboos that keep us from expressing ourselves and caring for each other.
So, im on my way to powerbooks and ill buy a dozen copies of one of the most amazing books ive ever read and pass it on to friends--now i only have to worry how to convince them to go past page 30 :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
EQAF is not a valid word

i've started the facebook crack that is scrabulous with donna yesterday, i was up to a very early lead by hitting all the double words early in the game until she got smart and initiated the piggyback move..its where you conveniently place tiles on ur opponents existing words, thus my "naive" became "naivete", "wax" became her "rewax" and "bundt" became "bundts". Im now stuck with 4 vowels and a useless Q. I told her that ill progress my turn after a few hours, i have resorted to delaying tactics.
I've been drinking this redjuice that my sister recommended for cleaning and detox-i havent seen so much organic stuff put in one contraption--aloe, ginger, guava, leaves!?, tomato, cucumber, onion, other several nourishing sounding ingredents that i havent heard of and bark!?--you gotta have that bark, its the thing that binds it all... i had almost finished the bottle and yet i dont feel any healthier just a little more broke--the thing costs like a 100 dozen of zesto.
I have'nt done any yoga for months, been smoking close to a pack a day and my appetite for anything fried is getting out of control. The plan is july 10..that is the day when my baby sister is coming from SF, with those awful tasting nicotine lozenges. Everything seems to come into order the moment i quit smoking, except that my temper and irritation levels are on high alert.
Faye was on tv again yesterday, and you can see that the whole segment is irritating the shit out of her. The graphic showed a big triangle with lines crossed over inside making other triangles...viewers were asked how many total triangles were there--i counted around 24. So people called and kept answering 1...to which she replies "HINDI NGA YAN 1, baket hindi kayo nakikinig sa mga ibang sagot? mukhang 1 triangle ba yan!!, tingnan ninyo yun loob!". Her raising eyebows and smirks show defeat and hopelesness--it was cute and hilarious at the same time. I called her and she checked her phone while on tv and smiled, i didnt realize that it was live.
Ok...i have one big word, the comeback is on...but not after this afternoon.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Of surprises, mother teresa, limbo and woody allen
Part 1
So the surprise party of our friend andy, came into fruition a couple of hours ago..you couldnt call it a surprise anymore--she already had an inkling that the thing was gonna take place to begin with...i had to go all the trouble by passing thru the back door. It wasnt an easy feat, thanks to carol's always cryptic instructions, i frustratingly got lost inside the building. Good thing that the food was amazing and 8 bottles of wine ready to be served is always a sight to behold.
When andy finally opened the door, everybody screams "SURPRISE" except me.. now, ive always shouted "SUPPLIES!!!" in every party that involves an attempt to make the person act in a way that she actually gets suprised--always thought it was more approriate for some reason.
There was this old lady who cornered me, pestering me why i broke off with carol and is giving me those relationship lessons that you always read on some discounted self help book. I nodded the whole time she talked, while trying to eavesdrop on che and lars conversation about sexual positions and how the dogstyle is only done if u dont respect your partner. I'm trying to find an excuse to stop being the only audience from the old lady's life coaching lecture and snuck in the more interesting conversation so i can fight the good fight on better sexual aesthetics--i dont think she'd want to join us in this.
After my failure at videoke and a few glasses of wine-i decided to make my way home and get some more metal gear action going. Then miguel called to tell me to hang out at the B.R.A. (bright red apartment) with them.
Part 2
So miguel, lee, lexie, pokerdude and trisha were all hanging out in the living room with 2 ashtray full of cigarette butts and a dozen of empty beer bottles--yet everyone is still in a talkative mood. I put in my ipod and played "a tribe called quest"--why dont they make rap music like this anymore.
Marcus texted me to check faye hosting on tv...she was hosting some text game show-its those shows where they show some silly game and ask people to text their answers and win money, this paricular segment-faye showed two pictures of lions and tells you to spot the difference between the two (the other lion was missing an eyebrow-call PETA!). Faye looked amazing, she has now long straight hair as opposed to the curly mane she used to have(lexie still claims that those are extensions) and she looks much healthier- running around hungary can do wonders i guess.
So i stirred up the conversation by telling them that i saw this documentary telling us that Mother Teresa is a fraud..pokerguy agrees and tells us that in her memoirs, she mentions that she was losing her faith--on her last days, when she saw people suffering, the old lady didnt see anything but emptiness. There was also the case for her "house of the dying" place, where she didnt put any money in it despite getting millions of donations(both from legit donors and crimainals/dictators)-she apparently invested most of the money into her own nun order. The house of the dying is still the same as it was 20 years ago--rows of worn out beds placed side by side in a cramped torn down building with people slowly dying, one filthy bathroom for everyone and no doctors present in the area-they werent allowed to be there to begin with. I felt that the vatican and mother theresa must have some symbiotic relationship. Its good PR for everyone
More into blasphemy talk, i just found out that the vatican had just recently issued a statement saying the "limbo" doesnt exist. So i guess all those poor dead babies are going to heaven after all-but how about all those parents who lost their infants from the past centuries where christianity was still such a big deal--they lived all their life in such despair knowing that their unbaptized kids were in some awfully hellish place--i know it was such a terrible vacation for all eternity to be in, from all the paintings our religion teachers forced us to stare at it. You know what im talking about--the one with the hill of fire with screaming people and the devil with his ubitiquous pitchfork showing us that he's the shit.
Miguel also told me about the other vatican press release saying that if ever we find out that there being from other planet, that they are still part of gods creation. Now, why would the church issue such statement--they must already made contact. Suck that NASA. Religion still kicks the shit out of science.
I left about the time we were all discussing that woody allen's masterwork is still "Bananas", that the clash is still timeless and that the biggest evidence that humans are polygamous in nature is that we're 98% chimpanzee dna and that the rationale why we have the guilty tendency of having only one partner has to do with of all things-posture.
I'm in my own dwelling now, yogurt in hand and still upset about the whole limbo thing. at least, im scratching that off on my destination list when im long gone. Now i only have hell to worry about :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I was thinking of having a productive day--after staying at home the whole day yesterday, watching downloaded episodes of penn and teller's bullshit, a couple of hours playing videogames and catching up on back issues of time magazine, i needed to get out. The plan was lunch with the spider at katre--that unpretentious little fusion mediterranian restaurant off at timog, which serves the best foie gras over pasta in the city and then some retail therapy in the afternoon.
Unfortunately, it didnt stop raining from last night, and i figured that the traffic will be terrible. I am not spending an hour going to the north for lunch, the trip is just reeking of potential frustation. I am yet undecided what to do, I am in that current mode of planning my day while in bed, getting restless about it and then wasting valuable minutes staring into space. The gloomy weather can do that to the best of us.
So, ive decided.
1. I'll finally start reading stargirl-that book the turtle highly recommended, it looks awfully light and whimsical--lets all just hope, that the chick lit nature of it doesnt scare me
2. Clean my ref, which someone has placed bottles of san might light in the freezer, forgot about it causing the bottles explode thus the stench of alcohol is evident all over the kitchen. my cat doesnt seem to mind it--she had spent more time there than in the bathroom where she has this habit of tearing up all the toilet paper.
3. Infuriate myself playing more metal gear on my ps3. I have already surrendered myself into not finishing the game--how can you call this a videogame when more than 50% of the time i have invested in it--consists of cutscenes that are more confusing than a wong kai wai movie. Someone told me that the ending was awesome, so im giving it another shot
4. In between those, ill watch a couple of episodes of "secret diary of a call girl", "swingtown" and "weeds". As well as mindless flipping thru the channels, hoping to catch those quirky taiwanese infomercials with hilarious dubbing and the badly scripted and acted testimonials.
Lets see if i can accompplish those tasks for the day...now only if i can stop staring mindlessly into space.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
the most times i said fuck in one post
i was about to leave the house and go to this quasi-surpise party for a person who was in turn was going to get her own surprise soon--its confusing i know...it took me several minutes and several cross references and questions with people involved before i can get the logic of it all...then my sister called
the sister: oh my god, everyones pissed at u, why the hell are u making style with (insert name) she just talked to her ex fiance and showed ur chat archive
..it took me a while, to digest what she just said and recalled if i did anything wrong--wait, what the fuck?
i admit it, i was chatting with her casually for less than a week and told her that i never really got to know her and that i think that we should hang out with other people when she gets back and i think we'd get along as friends. I asked che, who was conveniently with me when this call happened, and showed her the same version of the chat archive. She said, dude--thats the way u talk to all of your friends, even to me--and you know for a fact na i wont make patol to you because im a lesbian!
I really wanted to let it go and forget the shitstorm that happened, but i just couldnt. I still cant believe that there are still some people are just so fucking unbelievablly full of themselves. Now some would argue that its alright to be with her because she broke off with their relationship anyway, but thats not the fucking point. In all sincerity, there is no reason for me to pursue something that i would know would cause more problems than its worth, im the last person who would stoop to that level of dirt. Ive been nothing but nice to this person and she fucking used me to watever fucking evil intentions that she may have.
So i vented at the party--explained to them the situation and told them how fucking pissed i was. It is just a fucking shame that my conversations with her were being misinterpreted, construed and then made into a platter of self absorbing and ego building bullshit. My sister texted me the whole time, assuring me that everything was ok now and she explained to the rest about my side of the story, and that girl was nothing but trouble to everyone. True that!
Im pretty sure ur going to read this, u know who u are! I just wana say that was so fucking uncool of you, i dont really care who u have on your side-but this is between you and me, u dont turn other people against me, especially people who are fucking blood related to me (what the hell were u thinking about suprising them when you come back--just comes to show that you are up to no good). A decent person would confront me and ask what my intentions are before any given meaning--scratch that.. a decent person wouldnt spin our casual and trivial conversations into flirting, who the fuck do you think you are.
And to you ex fiance, i know we've never been close even if we hanged out a couple of time with friends who also happen to be my friends. I dont know if you know this, but you and i shared the same dissapointing experience with someone we loved and the last thing on my mind is to pummel someone in the ground even more, ive been in that situation and i know what it feels. Our common friends can vouche for me--i have always been sincere, honest and loyal to people (and unfortunately to strangers). I am not forcing you to change your mind on things-u deal with your own dilemmas but you guys just leave me out of this.
So i got home early, hoping i would just sleep thru it..besides, its just another blip on a very unruly week. But i decided to write about it instead--another sounding board thats more calm and less stressful than the suprise party fiasco.
Friday, June 20, 2008
That means fuck all. Its a sympathy vote.

she was already an hour awake before me--i came to this conclusion, because i can hear that club scene where begbie brags to to renton about how he pummeled the guy for causing him to miss a pool shot because the former ate a potato chip
I came out of bed, went to the couch and saw her staring at me--"thought u said u talk in your sleep, i didnt hear one word come out of u", i wouldnt really know-i had one of the deepest state of slumber since. After the first nicotine rush of the day, and the non fat capuccino which she took a sip, and found it bland, i told her that i need to go to work and to lock the doors, close the lights and check on the cat to make sure she doesnt do anything catlike before she leaves.
The first message from my ym when i got to work was from hers
Joie: i was very much tempted to call a lipat bahay truck to haul off your extensive DVD collection, arranged alphabetically.
Joie: but then, i couldn't find the piece de resistance - for yur height only, starring the late Wengweng
Joie: Who was that portugese guy we were listening to last night in your room, the one who does david bowie covers?
...I guess some people dont need coffee to be this awake in the morning
Thursday, June 19, 2008
the lss of the day..am i the only person who is excited about the whole album coming out in rockband?
speaking of lss, the turtle messaged me about her dream last night--so she dreamt of listening to her music on her ipod, and when she took off her earphones...she could still listen to the music. So i asked her if it meant something, like maybe the unconscious mind is telling her that although she wants to change things, she needs to have something constant and familiar in her life
then she said--uhmmm no, as it turns out, i slept with my ipod earphones on
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
kookieness during the nba finals
--after the first few minutes
clockwork: boston is going to take it-u could see that they want it more than the lakers
kookie: yeah, theyve been sweating more..its like the first 2 minutes, and kg is sweating like he just came off the sauna... gross!
--boston up by something like 10 after the 1st
clockwork: u can call this over, the margin of turnover of both teams is getting wider
kookie: oh shit, speaking of turnover, u wants some? i think i have some tuna turnover in my fridge
--halftime (during the locker room speeches)
kookie: why does phil jackson still have to tell his team that they shouldnt give up and to exert more effort
clockwork: these players need to get motivated somehow
kookie: these nba ballers are so spoiled, they get paid so much for doing so little
clockwork: arent u like the same?, u work as a consultant doing almost nothing and still getting paid more than normal
kookie: but i look like im working hard in doing it, theres a difference!
--after ray allen was left open for the hundreth time
clockwork: why do they keep this guy open all the time!, dammit lakers
kookie: who are u rooting for anyway?
clockwork: well boston, im just saying that its the finals and the lakers should be better than this..wait, who are u rooting for?
kookie:im rooting for the team who wins the championship
--during one of the timeouts/commercial breaks
kookie: do players go to the bathroom as well during timeouts
clockwork: im not sure
kookie: i have yet see a game where a player leaves the court and go to the locker room during a timeout
clockwork: they probably do all their pissing before the game and during halftime
kookie: but they drink all that gatorade though, i guess my nba career is over, my bladder is like a slurpy machine in a crowded 7-11 store on a hot summer day
--on seeing cassel on the sidelines cheering
kookie: who is that guy with the funny looking head celebrating on the sideline
clockwork: thats sam cassel
kookie: why the fuck is he celebrating when i havent seen him playing on the floor yet
clockwork: well, he played a couple of minutes the past few games, backing up rondo
kookie: a players time to celebrate should be directly proportional to the minutes he played in this series, i think its only fair
clockwork: so thats what like, around 15 minutes total?
kookie: yeah, thats enough time for 2 beers and a slice of party cake
--on boston finally winning
koookie: yay, i feel so happy for them..look look, all their kids are with them
clockwork: u mean their illegitimate kids
kookie: what do u mean?
clockwork: i read somewhere that more than 50% of these players kids are born out of wedlock
kookie: i was born out of wedlock
clockwork: really?
kookie: no, but it sounds so much cooler
--on me telling her that im leaving for work
kookie: its 12 and you're still going to work?
clockwork: i have real grown up stuff to do unlike being a consultant
kookie: i take offense in that statement
clockwork: so what are u doing today?
kookie: im going to watch a few dvds, wait for my mom to call me and will probably visit a friend afterwards
clockwork: and...?
koookie: ur right, i dont have real stuff to do *high five*
its always nice to know that i met kookie when the nba finals was about to end, that watching the whole game experience with her was a good exercise of patience and restraint in my part, good thing those tuna turnovers were juicy.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Didnt get any sleep last night--the drama doesnt end. In between bouts of frustration playing the new metal gear solid game and my cat's constant need for attention--my fone wouldnt stop ringing, its the endless cycle of should i answer or not. Answer-u win, Don't answer-u still win. Game theory is a killer.
So i finally found my sunglasses, they were apparently stolen by my cat and hid it behind her kitty litter. She swore she just wanted to borrow it
Monday, June 16, 2008
...fuckingly unbelievable..i am convinced, the guy displayed a toughness, both physical and mental, that is not human
now lets see if i can barely make thru the day
Sunday, June 15, 2008
pray the lords of kobol

Saturday, June 14, 2008
i wasnt suppose to...
50 words or less
Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008
playing hookey at work

turtle: i am so sleepy, i actually got off my desk and doze off at the pantry for 10 minutes
clockwork: i know, we should get a drink right now
turtle: fight!...lets go!
clockwork: ill be there in a bit
and off we went--both of us already procrastinating at work, we decided to go one level higher and just get out of the office
we ended up in bizu, and had tea--foregoing the alcohol, because its just too way hot and humid outside(and we're already feeling guilty about skipping work and getting drunk--we have feelings too u know). We talked about the party last saturdays and all the implications that happened afterwards--very surreal experiences for both of us and yet it seems normal. I guess we both got used to having all these adventures and stories that were too unbelievable to fathom for anyone else. Like this one i was about to tell her
So i told her about this story about my friend who received an email from one of her batchmates, saying that her bestfriend--got a miscarriage because their house got burned down--and she was requesting everyone to send donations. It is important to know that my friend here is one of the most good hearted people i know and has a successful career living abroad, and during highschool, was being ridiculed and teased constantly for being akward and different by the same people involved in the email. Now, being the person she is--she felt the need to help right away....
..until she read the part of the message that says the best possible thing to do for them is the donation is to be used for publishing a coffee book/scrap book to be given to the miscarriage/burned down girl and her family
i fucking swear, some of these people still live in a bubble--having lived such glamorous lives, they dont know how to handle complex situations and still insist that whats important is their ego and keeping with the social norm. My friend here requested the bestfriend to send the bank account number of the victim so that she will just send the money directly--her reply was, why would u do that? why are u trying to offend their pride? I told her you shoudve told your friend--why would you give a coffee table book, when her coffee table burned down as well.
Its still frustrating that people like this still exists--but as kubrick once said "It takes different people to make the world go round"..just like how two people were craving for a drink at 3pm on a workday and ended up with tea instead
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
i still win..sort of

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
her timing is still incredible
.. the universe is really funny like that
and now it begins..again
a quick rundown on whats new since then
- started a new company
- got a cat who never fails to ruin my furniture
- poker and all that comes with it
- my attempt at yoga
- switching to brown rice
- still trying to understand all this quantum mechanics silliness
- trying to get my customs license
- having the whole floor of my apartment building for myself
- 2 of my sisters getting hitched and a new niece
- tons of new interesting friends who never fails to amuse me
- being drug free for 3 years
- choosing to stay home than going out
- being 32
and whats still the same
- my beat down apartment
- my work routine
- my relationships and the drama of it all
- i still get to finish a book a week, and a couple of dvds a day
- smoking (ive quit for 2 years, but then it made a comeback a month ago)
- marathon videogames sessions
- i still win in every staring contest i participate in
on this note..
i believe im more grounded, more aware and more protective of myself. i think after all that the trauma that has happened during the previousblog -i've developed a special skill -its my ability to anticipate things that could hurt or ruin me, because so far ive been fine since... trivial yes, but fine still the same :)
lets see where this takes us