Monday, August 25, 2008


so its been weeks since a proper post, i was just being busy with the customs review--it has sucked every random creative thought out of me. This is what you get when you are technically cramming 4 years worth of customs and tariff materials in 2 months. Hooray for procrastinating thru grad school

In the meantime, my new favorite sesame street scene above


Anonymous said...

review thinks you are busy with something else! write now!

Anonymous said...

no. 4 is now my new favorite number!

Anonymous said...

you need to get inspired!

pamster said...

i made the 4th comment!

my favrote line is, 1-2-3-4, chickens that came from the shore! hahaha..and they are wearing bikinis

i miss u jards!

Anonymous said...

stop studying!

frequent flyer said...

what's up?