From the moment our feet hit the beach, there wasnt a single moment that we were'nt smoked out. I had already promised myself that i wont do any, for the fear of completely losing every bit of customs review i have managed to store in this 486style processor of a brain of mine. But the weed was packed in cigarette sticks--and with the dilemma of a recent smoker, the thing was impossible to resist as an oral fixation at least
Most of our time was spent sitting by this stretch of sand far from all the commerciallness of boracay. Just staring by the sea and talking among other things economics, nationalism and yoga. I finally had enough of this seriousness and said.."fuck that! bring out your guitar--and let me show you an interpretative dance". Nobody budged..too bad--it couldve been fun
But i still managed to make these sometimes intensely serious folks smile... Whenever i would overhear a familiar word that was part of a song lyric in their conversation- i would instantly sing to that tune...for instance
Guy: "Yeah, their have been so many changes that have been happening in this country"
Me(in my best david bowie impersonation): "Ch-ch-changes! timmmee to makkkee a!"
Girl: "I love this moment right now"
Me(ala kelly clarkson).. "you mean".."a moment like this, some people wait a lifetime..a moment like this"
i think they got amused at first and then later on got mildly annoyed ...its level was directly proportional by the corniness of every passing song
But hey, i was perfectly fine to just chill and be steady. So steady enough that i didnt put enough sunscreen on--even worse, i havent put them on properly. By the end of the day- i had white streaking lines all over my back, i concluded that i got this from the way i hastingly put on the lotion at my body.
Sadly, i had to leave a day earlier from the rest of the crew-work is a responsibility bitch i know. Despite that i havent done every activity that i planned to do when i was there-mostly cliched bora stuff like riding the flying fish, getting a henna tattoo and having my hair braided-i had such a blast. From all that smoke, im still trying to remember all the memories i spent there for 3 days. but i do remember hanging out with these cool people.
Just in case you- pippo, rico and shiela are reading this and are thinking that i got bored because i hardly joined in your conversations.. i didnt and i was either just too spaced out or thinking about what to eat-as evidenced by my constant questioning "what and when are we eating?"... i cant imagine hanging out with anyone else except you guys the next time i go ...but this time can we at least have all matching hennas before we leave! :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
part 2 of that bora thing
Sunday, September 14, 2008
part 1 of that beach thing
As most of my friends would attest, i would be the last person you would see in a beach-this will become obvious when you notice how pale i am. Its a combination of small nuisances that make me hate about it.- mostly its the sand being all over your body and your futile attempt to get rid off it. Its the same level of annoyance of getting glitter stuck on you. Sand and glitter--the most underrated scum of the earth.
"fuck you and your fucking early morning flight!"..those were the first words i said that morning when the rockstar called me to make sure that i was awoke by 5am. I got in the airport and met up with her and her friends, i already noticed one of the guys with a guitar in tow- now, this makes it interesting. As long as i have a pretentious silly moment where i get to sing ala jack johnson while im sitting by the beach--i would be fine
So, we stayed at this place not by the beachfront which was good for me and bad for everyone else-logistically, its just the right walking distance to completely shake off the sand so by the time you get there-the thought of it is almost tolerable. Someone shouted lets smoke..and thats where the fun started...
...more to come
Saturday, September 13, 2008
before the valiums kick in
1. people who put "(insert name here) is hating the new facebook layout" in their status messages need to take a pill and relax--99% of the world didnt really notice any difference
2. listening to belle and sebastians "the life pursuit" album on constant loop is guaranteed to at least make you crack a smile
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
lets see where it goes from here
hello blog, its been 2 weeks since my last post...
i've been wanting to update since, but a lot of things have been getting in the way--my attention span is now measured in seconds..everytime i sit down in front of my pc and login my blogger account, i decided to otherwise pursue...answering messages in my facebook, circling thru my itunes playlist or even worse, starting a game of minesweeper.
and theres other stuff thats been keeping me busy-the dreadful review, beating someone's high score in geometry wars and finishing my dvd backlog. I so far managed to finish the last season of the wire(pure genius!), the first season of space (i dont get what the fuss is about) and half a season of the tudors(im still on the fence).
i am currently trying to get over this dreadful cold thats been bugging the shit out of me since yesterday, it was so bad that when i woke up this morning, my pillow is so damp from all the snot--it didnt help that i came home really late that night from an instant drinking session with faye at the old swiss inn-its that place where you'll most likely to see some really old guy with a couple of gro's in his table trying to sift thru their chocolate fondue. We didnt last long, a glass of wine is all that took for me to feel like ive snorted a couple of valiums-
i swore not to drink any alcohol again today for the fear that my system will just crash-but then again, here i am with an open bottle of wine in my disposal trying to numb everything else thats been going on..maybe the combination of these situations will help me to jumpstart this blog again...or there's always minesweeper